The femtoJack is a new and innovative product from the creators of magicJack, which is aimed at allowing users to make mobile phone calls for free within their homes by using a computer that has access to the internet.
Basically, the femtoJack allows people to make use of VOIP via their cell phones, which for those who often end up paying overage charges for extra minutes this will be a welcomed opportunity. The reason is because it will only cost $19.95 per year and will allow for unlimited local and long distance minutes while in range of it.
The device is manufactured by Ymax and although sounding like its in violation of FCC spectrum laws, is actually completely legal according to most experts in the field. It sounds illegal because it works off the same high frequency spectrum that mobile phone operators purchase licenses for, but only uses the spectrum within your home, which is how it is not restricted by the law.
The actual logistics of the femtoJack are quite simple, plug the little USB sized device into your computer and it operates by allowing your mobile phone to piggyback onto the available femtoJack mini cell network that it creates so that you can make your phone calls for free instead of wasting cell phone minutes.
Despite all of its greatness there is a drawback to the revolutionary device in it will only work with phones that are GSM enabled, which in the United States means those provided by T-Mobile and AT&T. However, those who have Sprint or Verizon service can still use the device if they can dig up an old GSM phone that they are no longer using.
A few of the large cell carriers are likely to make complaints about the femtoJack when you consider it is using the spectrum that they are paying billions to use. Due to this the femtoJack is certain to draw some flack soon. In the meantime you may want to check it out and see if you can get your hands on one of these
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