After December 3rd any calls to phone numbers in the Kilmer Library must be preceded by a new area code - 848. This change is taking place as part of the university's five year project to implement Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) phone lines across the New Brunswick/Piscataway campuses.
For a limited period of time, callers who dial the old area code of 732 will reach a recorded announcement that reminds them of the new area code and asks them to redial.
Rutgers initiated the VOIP project to provide university departments and offices with less expensive and more manageable options for their telecommunication needs. The change to VOIP phone service will be undertaken in stages, over the next four years, based on the infrastructure available on the different campuses and the readiness of specific buildings and departments. There are currently no plans to implement VOIP on the Camden and Newark campuses.
The Libraries are excited by the move to VOIP because it will allow us to save money on phone costs and will allow new options in our phone service. As an example of one possible benefit - since Rutgers will own the entire 848 area code, faculty or staff members who move to an office in another building can take their phone number with them. This change alone will save Libraries personnel, and their professional and personal contacts, countless hours in now-unnecessary phone book updates over the years to come.
In the months ahead the Libraries will post news updates as additional library buildings implement VOIP and change their area code to 848. The next library scheduled to implement VOIP is the Douglass Library, in March or April of 2011.
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