VoIP Fulfillment by VoIP Supply is a suite of services specifically designed for VoIP service providers that increase operational efficiency, decreases costs and bolster customer experience. I spoke with VoIP Supply's Garrett Smith - Chief Marketing Officer, Mike Russo - Executive Vice President, and Donald Stefanie - VoIP Service Provider Program Manager to learn more.
First off Garrett mentioned that VoIP Supply has over 700 service provider customer – an impressive number – though not all of them are using their new VoIP Fulfillment services. They actually targeted service providers and resellers back in 2004 when their business first started. However, although VoIP Supply started with the service provider and reseller space, they refocused around 2006/2007 on end users since the margins on hardware were getting squeezed. Now they're targeting SMBs directly at 150 seats and under. They also launched their buyback program during the recession period, which really took off and enabled IT Directors to scrape some cash together from some old telecom equipment. In their first year they purchased about $1 million in used equipment. VoIP supply also has a Refresh (refurbished/reconditional) 10-step program that takes customer's used products, cleans it, fixes it up, replaces broken buttons, and then sells it. Last year they launched their "Deploy" service which is their nationwide installation service.
Garret Smith explained, "You can come to VoIP Supply as an end user customer and you can get your phone system, your hosted system, your networking, your cables, your surveillance system even - completely configured, shipped plug n' play and then have our outsourced installation staff go into your office and do the whole soup-to-nuts installation for you, the testing, the final settings & configurations, and essentially leave you with a brand new working system and you don't have to lift a finger." Garrett added that this service is gaining a lot of traction amongst their service provider customers since they're looking to make it easier for their customers to get started.
Garrett, "Where we differentiate is with the ancillary things, like device consultation and selection. Due to the number of service providers, the number of end user customers, the number of resellers that we touch, the variety and the longevity, we're in a position where service providers can come to us and work with us to find the right fit for their service."
Garrett explained they can take the 1st tier customer support and act as a service providers technical support to answer phones or email as though they were the service provider. They can also do co-branding, add any sort of sticker or collateral and custom brand the packing tape, etc. Garrett explained, "Essentially, we can take the entire back-end infrastructure from a pick, pack, and ship, from a device configuration, a customer service & returns perpective and white label that and act as though we are that service provider."
VoIP Supply sells IP phones, IP cameras, extended warranties, Asterisk hardware, networking equipment, DECT SIP phones, and more. One other interesting offering is that VoIP Supply has a leads generation program that providers 30 leads per day to service providers
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