Progressively , enterprises are confronting the ramifications of new technology implemented from the “bottom up,” as well as customer-driven demand for features and enhanced communication capabilities. Services delivered “from the cloud” – such as software-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service – will continue to be adopted in 2010 as more organizations seek to decrease operating expenses and more frequently choose “pay as you go” models, according to Mohita Chawla, director of business development at 3CLogic.
3CLogic presents complete and fully hosted call center solutions that keep customers in “sharp focus at all times, powered by the highest quality call center software in the industry to bring the most reliable call center technology anywhere in the world,” according to company officials.According to Chawla – who is speaking at the ITEXPO East in Miami next month – 2010 will prolong to be the year of efficiencies, with mainstream market adoption of HD VoIP as part of conferencing applications predicted to take hold in the latter half of 2010.Rich Tehrani ( News - Alert), CEO of TMC, recently sat down with Chawla to discuss what else the future holds.
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