Google was in full boom when the new Voip function was introduced in the Market to Gmail . Gmail users now have the capacity to accept the calls from there computer directly by just dialing the other Gmail users. There are five facts for the voip functionality are:
1. Communications are widely integrated: In the past, we will just log into your instant messaging application to IM your friends and we also make use of computer for sending email. Rather than being revolutionary, Google now has integrated Voice with Gmail which is a natural progression, for all the users. Instead of using multiple means of sources to communicate, we can place and receive calls, text messages and e-mail your contacts from centralized access called Gmail Account.
2. It's a Convenience and effective: The major reason for driving the people to use the integrated Google Voice feature is Convenience so don’t expect mobile users to give up their devices anytime soon.
3. It all about advertising and business move: Nowadays, domestic calls are free using Voice. So the advantage which Google is getting is Google-advertising.
4. Skype access: Skype Out is the service which lets you make phone calls from your computer to anyone with a cell phone. The basic Skype service is that it allows computer-to-computer calling.
5. It a part google application for enterprises : For any user masking a change in a phone number is very simple to relate, but for enterprises it's more complicated. Hence Google application makes this very simple and effective.
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